Technical texile china industry fabric china nonwoven china composite china interlining china geotextile china 中国技术织物网,技术织物包括非织造布和产业用纺织品,国际上统称"Technical Textile",技术织物以新型材料的角色在各行各业有着广泛应用。比如大家已知的产业用布,玻璃钢,一次性医卫产品,碳纤维车,灯箱布,土工布,水刺非织造,针刺无纺,纺粘熔喷,衬布等.

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The best China nonwoven machinery,warp knitting machinery and carpet weaving machinery offer here in CTT.We appreciate your interests in CTT website and CTT will try to assist you to find the right solution of Chinese technical textiles,Industry and Markets. Please feel free to contact us in the way most convenient for you.


Contact Window: Mr. Cody (CTT Manager)

Mobile:0086 13004383037(whatsapp)
Office: Room 1103, No.14 Building, Mingyuan, Changzhou Sience&Education Town China

Wechat ID: chinatechtex