Technical texile china industry fabric china nonwoven china composite china interlining china geotextile china 中国技术织物网,技术织物包括非织造布和产业用纺织品,国际上统称"Technical Textile",技术织物以新型材料的角色在各行各业有着广泛应用。比如大家已知的产业用布,玻璃钢,一次性医卫产品,碳纤维车,灯箱布,土工布,水刺非织造,针刺无纺,纺粘熔喷,衬布等.

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Technical Textile Conferences October 2024 China

[ Size:L M L ]Data:2024-9-27 Edit: Hits:219

Date:Oct 16-18,2024
Venue:Beijing Shunyi China International Exhibition Center
Organizer(s):Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association (CREIA)

International High-Tech Materials & Application Technology Expo(INTRA 2024)

Date:Oct 16-18,2024
Venue: Coex, Seoul, South Korea

Organizer(s):KIMI - Korea Industrial Marketing Institute

The 4th Solar Industry Development and Technical Standards Forum
Date: October 24, 2024
Vanue:  Xi'an Qujiang Huibingyuan Hotel
Organizer(s): China Solar Industry Association

RUNHE DYE&Print Industry Forum
Date: October 23-25, 2024
Vanue:  Jiangsu Changzhou
Organizer(s): Jiangsu SOHO Holdings Group

3rd Green Composites Industry Forum
Date: October 24-26, 2024
Vanue:  Jiangsu Changzhou Sheraton Hotel
Organizer(s): Yangtze Carbon Fiber& Composites Innovation Center

2024 Spunlace Nonwoven Industry Conference
Date:Nov 1-4,2024
Venue:Jiangsu Nantong Marriott Hotel
Organizer(s):China Nonwovens& Industrial Textiles Association

11th National Conference on Geosynthetic Industry
Date:Nov 1-4,2024
Venue:Shijiazhuang Hebei
Organizer(s):China Geosynthetic Engineering Association

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