Technical texile china industry fabric china nonwoven china composite china interlining china geotextile china 中国技术织物网,技术织物包括非织造布和产业用纺织品,国际上统称"Technical Textile",技术织物以新型材料的角色在各行各业有着广泛应用。比如大家已知的产业用布,玻璃钢,一次性医卫产品,碳纤维车,灯箱布,土工布,水刺非织造,针刺无纺,纺粘熔喷,衬布等.

Location > HOME > Challenge to Chinese Textile in 2020 covid-19
Challenge to Chinese Textile in 2020 covid-19

1st Question: In the first two quarters of 2020 the global textile industry has experienced an unprecedented global supply and demand shock. According to the ITMF Corona-Surveys the companies around the world are expecting turnover 2020 on average to be around -30% lower compared to 2019.Were export and domestic markets hit equally by the demand shock when looking at Chinese companies?

2nd Question: What were the 3 biggest challenges companies in China were faced with since the start of crisis? 

3rd Question: China was the first country that was hit by the crisis. It was also the first country where the partial lockdown of the country was lifted and shops reopened. Other markets like Europe or North America were hit much later by the pandemic.

How did the Chinese textile and apparel industry weather the crisis since the end of the lockdown?

4th Question: In the 4th ITMF Corona-Survey which was published in the middle of June, companies were asked when they expect to reach pre-crisis levels again. Most companies expect this to be in the first or second quarter of 2021.Do you share this view?

5th Question: It was stunning to see that so many cancellations/delays were reported since the start of the crisis. According to the ITMF Corona-Surveys, orders have dropped by around -40%. Many buyers were referring to so-called “Force Majeure Clauses”. Others were working with so called “Open Accounts”. In both cases the risks were distributed unevenly to the disadvantage of the suppliers.What are options to prevent such a tsunami of cancellations/delays in the future.

6th Question: How were textile and apparel companies directly and indirectly supported by the government?

7th Question: What are the medium-term and what are the long-term consequences of this crisis for the global textile and apparel industry?
