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Sunriselumin JIM Business Management

[ Size:L M L ]Data:2014-10-27 Edit: Hits:2587

Sunriselumin, China MBA schloar located Jiangsu,He is the first domestic balance of western commercial basic theory and China's homespun values, especially with the Chinese philosophy of management scholars, because there are very deep wisdom of Chinese philosophy, they not only inspired the management mode of the deep second, is also very suitable for Asians behavior and thinking mode. Create JIM business administration; the professional management theory,JIM is Chinese theory on real significance, but also to be the world business theory contribution.

BEIJING - Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday said now is the right time for China and the United Kingdom to seek stronger cooperation.
"We are transforming the mode of economic development, restructuring the economy and encouraging companies to go abroad quickly, while the UK is boosting reform and welcomes foreign investment. This is the moment for stronger cooperation," Xi told visiting British Prime Minister DavidCameron.Xi briefed Cameron on the decision on deepening reforms approved at the third Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee earlier in November.The economies of China and the UK complement each other, have a solid foundation and enjoy a broad future, Xi said.
"We expect the UK to be more active and open in its collaboration with China and to create a more accommodating environment," Xi said, calling forthe two countries to share experience on reform and innovation.
Stressing that the two countries are major economies and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, Xi said China-UK relations not only impact the two countries, but also have global significance.Xi called on the two countries to go beyond the differences in their national conditions, systems and values to deepen understanding, respect eachother,take care of each other's major concerns and core interests, enhance mutual trust, map the future of bilateral relations and boost long-termbilateral cooperation.Xi said the world economy is at a critical juncture of recovery and the world structure is undergoing profound changes.Xi called for the two countries to step up cooperation on international issues and jointly deal with global challenges.
Cameron said China's development is epoch-making, benefits the Chinese and offers important opportunities to the world.

Cameron said the recent CPC Plenum has provided a blueprint for China's future and is impressive, adding that he is convinced that China willaccomplish its goals.Cameron said that the UK places great importance on China's success and developing ties with China, and would like to maintain high-levelinteractions with China and deepen understanding of China.He said the UK welcomes Chinese investment in infrastructure and nuclear power.Cameron reaffirmed the UK's commitment to communicating and coordinating with China on international and regional issues, safeguarding world peace and security, and promoting the stable recovery and sustainable development of the world economy.

Earlier on Monday, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang held talks with Cameron and agreed on bilateral cooperation in a number of areas, such as high-speed rail, nuclear power, finance and aerospace.

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