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Pioneer of Recycled Fibres

[ Size:L M L ]Data:2024-9-27 Edit: Hits:230
Zhongyuan Runsheng---A large-scale production and trading enterprise focusing on rPET chips and recycled polyester filaments.A high-end recycled chemical fiber registered brand - Recoyarns. Accumulated more than 20 patents related to recycling. CFWA Recommended Supplier“Little Giant”Enterprise by China MIIT.In 1987, the Yizheng Zhongxing Polyester Fiber Factory was established, later renamed Yizheng Zhongxing Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.In 2012, Zhongxing Environmental and Yongyin Chemical Fiber shifted to the production of recycled PET. They were among the earliest companies in China to engage in the production of recycled chips and polyester spinning.In 2020, Zhongyuan International Trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was established, specialising in the export of group enterprises products and liaising with international brand enterprises.In 2023, an investment cooperation was established with Hubei Hongyida Technology Co., Ltd., mainly producing PET-related polyester films and functional sheet products.

Subsidiary companies
Yizheng Zhongxing Env. Prot. Tech. Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Yongyin Chem. Fibre Co., Ltd.
Zhongyuan Int. Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Foreign investment enterprises
Hubei Hongyida Technology Co., Ltd.

An idealist of environmental protection, strongly commit to the recycled fiber industry.As the essence of nature, natural resources are crafted and utilized in countless ways, showing humanity no bounds to the beauty of our earth.However, not all of what we created from nature's gifts were made to last. Plastic bottles bring convenience and refreshment to the world yet are thrown away with little regard for repurposing and reuse.Recoyarns believes that nature's beauty should last forever. That's why we turn plastic bottles into pieces of soft fabrics, presenting nature's perpetual beauty in a new form.This also represents Recoyarns's endless pursuit as a pioneer of recycled fibers.

Recoyarns® recycled polyester chips are used in a wide range of applications including: recycled fibers, industrial yarns, bottle-grade chips, sheets, films, and non-woven fabrics.Recoyarns® recycled polyester fibers are used in a variety of applications including sports, leisure, fashion clothing and home textiles, and outdoor textiles, becoming a strategic partner for an increasing number of international brands.As “pursuing environmental protection” is one of mankind's commitments to nature, Recoyarns has been honoring its announced ambitions, using only 3A-grade post-consumer recycled bottle flakes in making recycled fibers.It has also been working with all stakeholders along the industry chain to say no to acts of fraud and dishonesty, for the sake of maintaining consumer confidence in environmental protection.
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