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Leader of Russian market of raw materials and equipment for composite industry

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Composite Group Russia
Group of Companies "Composite" - the leader of Russian market of raw materials and equipment for composite industry
Group of Companies "Composite" is a large Russian supplier of raw materials and equipment for the most up-to-date technologies in the field of composite products manufacturing - fiberglass, artificial marble, Solid Surface and other composite materials.
Russian Group of Companies "Composite" has more then 20 years of experience in this area and has a wide sales network all over Russia. Therefore it is able to resolve any problem faced with the enterprises working on specified areas. The aim of the Group of Companies "Composite" is to do everything for our partners, manufacturers of the products made from composite materials to reach world quality in produced FRP and artificial marble. We do not only sell the materials and the equipment but also promote and introduce the newest world technologies into Russia and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Our strategy for many long years is to develop steadily the market of consumption of composite materials. 

The main directions of activity of the Group of Companies "Composite" are the follows:

Supply of materials and equipment for composite industry, any quantity and assortment;
Complex supply for the existing factories with all stuff for their production activities;
The urgent technical assistance;
Information support, consultations, assistance in obtaining of materials;
Assistance in organization of production based on the newest "turn-key" technologies, both for newly established enterprises and enterprises under modernization;
Realization of teaching seminars for Russian companies, working on area of composite technologies, in collaboration with the foreign experts;
Widening of the extensive range of products;
Widening and optimization of working conditions of sales net;
Developing of the new fields of application coinciding with the state-to-art technologies.
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