Technical texile china industry fabric china nonwoven china composite china interlining china geotextile china 中国技术织物网,技术织物包括非织造布和产业用纺织品,国际上统称"Technical Textile",技术织物以新型材料的角色在各行各业有着广泛应用。比如大家已知的产业用布,玻璃钢,一次性医卫产品,碳纤维车,灯箱布,土工布,水刺非织造,针刺无纺,纺粘熔喷,衬布等.

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Tufting Machine


[ Size:L M L ]Data:2021-9-13 Edit: Hits:2488


MTC manufactures machines that offer our customers a variety of production results. The scope of the technologies range from basic machines to sophisticated computer controlled pattenn machine configurations. Different gauges and machine features(attachments) are also formulated from MTC upon request. Some basic machine types are listed below:
1. Cut Pile Machine
2. Level Textured Loop Pile Machine
3. Pattern Loop (Yarn-Tronics or Quick Thread)
4. Cut-Loop(Yarn-Tronics) Machine
5. Loop/Cut(PC/UC or Velv-a-loop) Machine
6. Perma-Stitch Machine
7. Graphics Machine
MTC machines can be equipped with different attachments for producing specialized carpet construction and custom pattern effects. New developments in tufting pattern technology are continually being offered by MTC; some of the currently available attachments are listed below:
1. Options for machines that can achieve different carpet constructions include:
a.Command Performance(Servo Automation) 
c. Quick Thread (Roll type, servo or clutch) 
d.Eccentric roll

2. Shifting attachments for stitch placement:
Sliding Needle Bar,SNB
*smartSTEP(Electronic SNB)
*PSP(Positive Stitch Placement) Primary Backing Shifter

The nominal machine size is determined by the distance from first to last needle in a standard needle bar. The nominal widths are listed in Chart. All MTC machines have enough extra space to extend the nominal sewing width slightly, slightly,if the customer desires. Small width
machines are manufactured generally for sampling. The machines are designed in such a manner as to allow the user to take knowledge gained on this machine (settings. etc.) and apply it directly to the larger units.

Standard Stitching Widths
Mach.Size: Straight Shifting
24" 30"(762mm) 22.5"(571.5mm)
42" 45"(1.14m) 42"(1.06m)
84" 90"(2.28m) 87"(2.21m)
120" 120"(3.04m) 117"(2.97m)
162" 165"(4.19m) 162" (4.11m)
188” 195"(4.95m) 192"(4.87m)
204" 215” (5.46m) 212"(5.38m)

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