Technical texile china industry fabric china nonwoven china composite china interlining china geotextile china 中国技术织物网,技术织物包括非织造布和产业用纺织品,国际上统称"Technical Textile",技术织物以新型材料的角色在各行各业有着广泛应用。比如大家已知的产业用布,玻璃钢,一次性医卫产品,碳纤维车,灯箱布,土工布,水刺非织造,针刺无纺,纺粘熔喷,衬布等.

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Freudenberg hosts electrifying fashion show on Interlining

Freudenberg hosts electrifying fashion show on Interlining

News from TT.NET 27-5-2014 

 The atmosphere was electric. 200 onlookers from right around the globe sat either side of the catwalk. A couple of women with headscarves and long dresses were deep in conversation with each other. A Japanese man showed fashion photos to his neighbor on his cell phone. Two young men in dark suits talked about current fashion trends in Italian. Then – action! The spotlight falls on a woman with long, blonde hair.
Wearing a grey coat she strides the catwalk effortlessly - fast music playing in the background. She appears to smile, then turns. The audience applauds. For the next hour, Simone Visani, Sales Manager at Freudenberg Interlining, and host of the fashion show this evening, demonstrates how the latest fashion trends can be created using interlinings.
Whether in the neckline of a blouse, light-weight padding in a winter coat or the printed inner lining of a jacket: interlinings ensure that garments sit perfectly and are perfectly shaped. They inspire global fashion designers such as Louis Vuitton to create sophisticated designs and outlandish fashion.
Raucous applause comes for a pink-padded winter coat with flowers sewn onto the sleeves. Members of the audience hold their cell phones high above their heads to take pictures of the model. The new, innovative volume nonwoven is as soft as down, light and voluminous. The nonwoven is just as warm as down in a winter coat and holds the warmth even when the garment is damp.
A ladies black and white snake skin print jacket and a man's blue jacket with a yellow inner lining: printed interlinings of woven fabric used for the padding of a coat or blazer sewn to the outer fabric is a further trend. Interlinings of nonwoven material, weft or knitted fabric in the front panel of the blazer make sure the material remains in shape. And interlinings are also used in the pant legs, ensuring a good line.
Often, a garment only receives its final look once it has been sewn. Up to 20 different process stages may be involved before the product is sold. The interlining also needs to withstand processes such as dyeing, bleaching or printing without damage.
It should also be suitable for use with many different textiles, have good adhesion and be able to tolerate heat and cold without distortion. This is why Freudenberg developers are continuously working on improved interlinings and properties.